Escaping the Pressure to Know What You’ll do After Grad

Remember when people used to ask what you wanted to be when you grew up? I was determined to become a baker. My bakery would sell brownies (because they’re my grandpa’s favorite), and my Dad would drive the delivery truck.

As I grew up, the brownie bakery and delivery service dream quickly died. But the question “What do you want to be” didn’t. In fact it was fired in my direction more frequently each passing year.

Now that this query was relevant and pressing I couldn’t find an answer. What did I want to do with my life? I could no longer answer with all the confidence of 6-year old me. Sometimes I even avoided talking to adults because the dreaded question would inevitably get asked.

I’ve heard from a lot of girls going into high school or graduation that are experiencing a similar pressure to get your lives figured out. Everyone is asking what you want to do and you just don’t know. How are you supposed to wisely choose high school courses and college courses, when your future is uncertain?