Choosing Faith Over Feelings

Darlene Deibler Rose arrived in New Guinea as a newlywed to do missions work among unreached jungle tribes. However, shortly after her arrival, the world went to war and the Japanese invaded. Darlene and her husband were captured and sent to separate work camps. While at the camp, Darlene was accused of being an American … Read more

Why do You Want a God-Written Love Story?

After years of heartbreak and buckets of tears, she finally surrendered her love life to God. She realized that nothing she did was working and in her brokenness responded to God’s gentle call, allowing Him to write her love story. And something amazing happened. She found peace, joy, and fulfillment. Not in a new relationship, … Read more

How to Overcome Fear of Sharing the Gospel – The Story of the Waldensians

Gaspar hesitated at the town’s threshold. To go further could cost him his life. Go on, you can’t give in to fear! He chided himself, but the reluctance in his mind had spread to his legs as well. He could force them no further.

Adriel had gone on a little ways before he realized that his young student was no longer with him. Anxiously he glanced back but the boy was not to be seen. He shook his head and began retracing his steps, I might have expected as much – it is his first trip. He found Gaspar sitting on the cobblestone of a side street; his back against the wall of a house; his face hidden in his hands. Gaspar lifted his head at the sound of the approaching footsteps. He searched his teacher’s face, expecting to find either reproach or disappointment. Instead he was met by a smile. 

How can he have patience even with cowardice? Gaspar wondered, averting his eyes. He bit his lip,

“How is this fear to be overcome?”