Girl, You Don’t Have to be Enough

The first time I saw The Greatest Showman was during an 11 hour flight in the middle of the night. Despite the tiny airplane screen and headphones I couldn’t help but understand the craze over this movie score. The award winning-music danced through the dark. The colourful characters owned the screen. And the motivating lyrics … Read more

Why I Don’t Share the Gospel

I talk about God, and church, and the Bible. I tell my coworkers about Bible studies, and worship band practices, and prayer meetings. They know my opinion on politics, euthanasia, abortion, birth control, legalized marijuana, life after death, and the spirit realm.

But for all my talk no one has come to salvation. Why do I see no fruit from my labors?

Maybe because Jesus didn’t tell us to go and talk about church and bible studies and “our opinion” on life after death. Actually, He didn’t even tell us to preach about a God we believe exists. He told us to preach the gospel.

What it means to be a Christian

Perpetua held her wounded friend in her arms, a perfect picture of bravery and joy even in the centre of chaos and blood. The crowd cheered as the two girls stared death in the eye. 

Perpetua came from a wealthy family. Growing up with her brothers in Rome during the height of it’s glory, her future seemed bright and certain. But when she heard the gospel she eagerly gave it all up to follow Christ. 

Even though it was a crime to preach the gospel in Rome, Perpetua boldly confessed Christ, knowing it would mean certain imprisonment and possibly death.

How to be a Christian When it’s not Popular

When Sierra started taking her faith seriously she didn’t expect her friends to stop texting or her boyfriend to break up with her. She didn’t anticipate the strange looks and whispering behind her back.

People counselled her to stop taking her religion so seriously, that science had disproven the Bible, and that she was very closed minded to say Jesus was the only way to heaven.

Suddenly, Sierra had lost the social status she had worked so hard to maintain. She was no longer popular and didn’t even fit in with her peers. 

Busy, Forgetful Girl: You Can Memorize Large Portions of Scripture

“Dear 25 year old self,

Today is your 20th Birthday. I don’t know if you will still be on earth for your 25th birthday.

But assuming you are still in the trenches, here are some hopes, dreams and prayers from your 20 year old self. ”

It’s become a tradition of mine to take time to remember the goodness of God and plan for the future every New Year’s and every birthday. Last summer on my 20th I did this in the form of a letter to my future-self.

One particular set of hopeful words buried in that letter have provided more motivation than I could have ever imagined when they dripped from my pen.