Make Bible Study a Priority

Imagine what would happen if students all over the world decided to dedicate time, effort and diligence to studying the Bible.

Jen Wilkin presented this question to parents and youth workers on Christianity Today:

What if we gave students the Bible and expected them to learn it? What if we asked them to read it like a book – to apply the same skills they are learning in their English class to their sacred text? … What if we asked them to learn to rightly divide the Word with all the discipline they would apply to learning calculus or the violin or gymnastics?

The scripture has guided my choice of work, strengthened my friendships, united my family, supplied joy beyond measure, instilled hope in the midst of depression and replaced fear with unwavering confidence. In short studying the Bible has radically transformed my life.

The Excuse

Inevitably at this point someone will object. “I understand that Bible study is important but I just don’t have time.”

As Brett Harris has wisely taught, we always have time for our priorities. Transforming my excuse from “I don’t have time to study the Bible” to “Studying the Bible isn’t a priority” has changed how I think about Bible study. . .

Read the rest of this article on The Rebelution for 3 ways to start studying your Bible.


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