Favourites from 2019

I thought I’d do something a little bit different for the last post in 2019.

I always love to spend time over Christmas remembering what God has done in my life over the past year; remembering the funny stories, the special moments, the lessons learned.

So today I’m sharing some of my favorite things from 2019!

Favourite Music

(click the titles to go listen)

#1  I Want to Know You – City Alight

This song turned into a prayer for me many days this year. I would go for a walk early in the morning and sing it. I would sit on my bedroom floor with my earbuds in and listen to the lyrics. I would play it in my car on the way to work. Declaring that today, I want nothing more than to know and love Jesus.

I want to know You, Jesus my Lord
King of the Heavens, King of my soul
I trade my treasures and all my rewards
Jesus to know You, then know You more

~ City Alight

#2  My Jesus I Love Thee

This hymn became another prayer of praise I repeated multiple times a week.


#3  Only a Holy God – City Alight

I love the truth this song declares about our God. If you need to get your eyes off of yourself and your problems, this song will do just that.

Who else commands all the hosts of Heaven?

Who else could make every king bow down?

Who else could whisper and darkness trembles?

Only a holy God

~ City Alight

In light of God’s power and greatness, what reason do we have to fear and worry? Why do we hesitate to bring all of our cares to Him and leave them in His capable, loving hands?

#4  His Mercy is More – Shane and Shane 

I fell in love with this song while at Bible school. We sang it often, and then it got stuck in my head and I had to download it so that I could remember all the lyrics.

What love could remember no wrongs we have done

Omniscient all knowing He counts not their sum

Thrown into the sea without bottom or shore

Our sins, they are many His mercy is more

What an incredible reality! God has so completely dealt with our sin at the cross and so perfectly clothed us with His righteousness that when He looks at us, He doesn’t see our sinful rebellion, but the complete righteousness of Christ.

All we have to do is confess our sin and repent and His mercy is lavished upon us.

#5  The Goodness of Jesus – City Alight 

Satisfied, He is all that I need

May it be, come what may, that I rest all my days

In the goodness of Jesus 

~ City Alight


These are in no particular order, just a few other songs I loved in 2019!

(My top favorite albums from this year are City Alight. I love how packed full of scripture their lyrics are. So really, you should just go listen to all their music) 

Blessed Assurance – City Alight

Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me – City Alight

Ancient of Days – City Alight

I Will Trust My Saviour Jesus – City Alight

Hundred Miles – Crowder

Let it be Jesus – Shane and Shane

Favourite Books

#1  Abide in Christ – Andrew Murray

This book is broken up into short chapters, meant to be used as a devotional.

It dives into the reality of our position in Christ Jesus. The only way we can live the Christian life is by abiding, moment by moment, in Jesus. He is the vine, we are the branches. Without Him, we cannot bear fruit. The only way to bear fruit is to simply abide – to rest in His life.

I understood this concept before reading the book, but it was such a needed reminder. It freshly challenged me to seek Jesus more intentionally and to live every moment of my life in light of the reality of who I am in Christ.

#2  The Pilgrim’s Progress – John Bunyan

I listened to the audiobook this spring and wow I had forgotten how amazing this classic is!

It’s an allegory of the Christian life. (a fictional book that brings out real spiritual truths) So much of what the character Christian experiences was too familiar to what I’ve walked through and am walking through in my own life.

#3  Evidence Not Seen – Darlene Deibler Rose

This is the biography of a young woman who was one of the first missionaries to the interior of New Guinea. When WW2 started she was imprisoned in a Japanese POW camp.

It’s definitely not an easy book to read (because of the content) but it was so encouraging and inspiring for my own relationship with Jesus. Her simple faith and God’s amazing faithfulness is a testimony to all who desire to walk worthy of Christ Jesus.

I share one of the stories from her book in this post

#4  Meet Mr. Smith – Eric & Leslie Ludy

I actually went through this book twice this year.

It’s a book on sex. But the Ludys tackle the topic with such discretion and honour. Not to mention it’s actually quite humorous to read.

This book is completely different in style from any of their other books. It’s sort of the true story of how Eric ended up writing a book about sex. Sort of.

Mostly, it’s a book on the beauty of God’s design for men and women and their relationship with each other. And God’s pattern truely is breathtaking, awe-inspiring, and gloriously exciting!

#5  The Insanity of Obedience – Nik Ripken 

A book on missions and suffering for the sake of the gospel.

Also, a book on how to be obedient to the great commission wherever God has you, and how to think Biblically about persecution and suffering, and how to walk through it victoriously.


(in no particular order)

Quest for Love – Elisabeth Elliott

Lies Young Women Believe – Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth and Dannah Gresh

Tramp for the Lord – Corrie ten Boom

Your Favourite Posts

#1  When Buying a Red Hat 

#2  Why do you want a God-Written Love Story?

#3  Wives are the Weaker Vessel

#4  3 Questions to Ask Before Using Social Media

#5  God Doesn’t Want You Single and Alone


I’d love to chat in the comments below!

  • What were your favourite books and music from 2019?
  • What was your favourite article on the blog from this year?

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